๐How to buy
Having issues purchasing $FATTY tokens during the presale?
Presale is LIVE, buy now!
The official website https://fatty.io is the ONLY place where you can buy a $FATTY token. Be aware of scammers!
Before you start the buying process, make sure:
you have enough ETH/USDT/USDC/BNB in your wallet
you have enough ETH/BNB for gas fees
Recommended browser: Google Chrome
Recommended wallet: Metamask
Recommended type of payment: ETH on ETH network
How to buy: STEP BY STEP
1. Go to the official website: https://fatty.io
The official website https://fatty.io is the ONLY place where you can buy a $FATTY token. Be aware of scammers!
2. Connect your wallet
At any time, make sure you have at least worth of $10 ETH or BNB in your wallet for gas fees.
3. Select the desired payment method
4. Select the number of tokens you would like to pay OR the number of $FATTY tokens you want to buy
5. Press the Instant Buy button
6. Finish the transaction in your wallet
Continue in your wallet, confirm the transaction, and go back to the fatty.io website.
7. Check your new $FATTY balance
8. Optional
Select your email to receive advanced info for $FATTY holders only
Do you have any issues with the presale functions, can not see your tokens, or want to report a bug? Contact us via: support@fatty.io and our admins will reply ASAP to your requests.
Last updated